科技管理系 Department of Management of Science and Technology 科技管理系是为了适应现代科技发展、知识经济提出的各种挑战以及"科教兴国"战略对相关理论研究和复合型人才的迫切需求,于1996年成立的。 科技管理系在人才培养和科研上以"科学技术管理与政策分析"为学科特色。现有专职教师10人,其中教授2人,副教授4人,讲师3人,助教1人;另外还聘请了多名有丰富科技管理经验的客座教授。目前承担有"高技术创业模式研究"、"非营利性农业科研院所能力评估研究"、"硅谷模式与产学创新体制研究"、"高技术企业孵化器研究"、"科技项目管理与评价体系研究"等多项国家或省部级科研课题。在科技发展战略、高新科技园区发展模式、科技政策与管理等方面发表论著百余篇,在国内教育和科技管理界产生了积极的影响。 本系设有"科学技术管理"4年制大学本科专业,授予毕业生管理学学士学位。本专业主要培养掌握现代管理科学知识和技能、具有现代科技知识与理论素养、了解科技发展规律、熟练掌握计算机应用技术和一门外语、具有较高综合素质和创新能力,能从事科学技术、知识创新和技术创新管理的专门人才。毕业生就业和发展取向是各级政府科技行政管理部门、高新科技园区、大学、科研机构的管理或研究部门,以及各类高新技术公司。 本系还设有科学技术哲学硕士学位点,培养科学技术发展战略与政策、技术创新管理、高新科技园区管理等研究方向的硕士研究生。 The Department of Management of Science and Technology (DMST) was established in 1996, for meeting the challenges raised by rapid development of contemporary science and technology and knowledge-based economy, and the requirements for implementing the national strategy of invigorating China through science and technology. With respect to talented-personnel training and scientific research, the DMST is characterized by management of S&T and policy analysis. There are nowadays 10 teachers in DMST, among the faculty are 2 professors, 4 associate professors, 3 lecturers and 1 assistant professor. Besides, several guest professors who have rich experience in management are appointed in DMST. The following research projects are undertaken in DMST: “Initiation Patterns of High-tech Enterprise”, “Assessment of Non-profit Agricultural Institutes”, “Silicon Valley Model and Innovation System for Industry and University”, “Incubation of High-tech Enterprises”, “Management and Evaluation of S&T Projects”. Some 100 papers or books in such research areas as strategy for S&T development, patterns of science parks, S&T policy, and management of S&T have been published in recent years, which have made positive impacts in these fields of study. The DMST has a 4-year undergraduate program in the field of management of S&T, with bachelor ‘s degree of management awarded. Talented personnel with high-quality and innovative capability are trained for conducting management of S&T, knowledge and technology innovation. They are required to master the knowledge of contemporary S&T theory and methodology, laws and regulations for promoting S&T development, and computer and foreign language applications. The graduates are intended to work in relevant governmental organizations, science parks, universities, research institutes, and high-tech companies. The master degree of science and technology philosophy is also granted in DMST, with graduate research orientations in development strategy and policy for S&T, technology innovation management, and management of science parks. The following research projects are undertaken in the Department of Management of Science and Technology (DMST): “Initiation Patterns of High-tech Enterprise”, “Assessment of Non-profit Agricultural Institutes”, “Silicon Valley Model and Innovation System for Industry and University”, “Incubation of High-tech Enterprises”, “Management and Evaluation of S&T Projects”. |