男,福建福州人,1965年3月生。教授。 1985年7月,毕业于武汉地质学院岩矿分析专业; 1991年1月,留学日本,先后在日本国立北见工业大学分别获得环境化学专业硕士学位和物质工学专业博士学位。 1985年7月-1991年1月,在武汉钢铁学院任教; 1994年4月-1996年3月,在日本环境咨询株式会社任职; 1996年2月-2004年8月,兼任武汉科技大学客座副教授、教授; 1996年4月-2004年8月,在日本国立北见工业大学任教; 2001年4月至今,兼任日本国立环境研究所客座研究员; 2004年4月至今,在中国石油大学(北京)任教。 主要从事环境地球化学和光谱仪器分析方面的教学和科研工作。主要科研方向为微量元素地球化学,原子吸收光谱技术。主讲课程有环境影响评价、环境规划学等。在国外刊物发表并被SCI收录的论文有二十余篇。现兼任中国地球物理学会环境地球物理专业委员会委员。
(1) Q. Zhang, H. Minami, S. Inoue and I. Atsuya: Analytica Chimica Acta, Vol.508, 99-105, 2004, Differential determination of trace amounts of arsenic(III) and arsenic(V) in seawaters by solid sampling AAS after preconcentration by coprecipitation with a nickel-pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate complex
(2) S. Inoue, Q. Zhang and M. Uto: Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchange, Vol. 22, No.1, 121-133, 2004, Solvent extraction of lanthanides(III) with N-p-phenylbenzoyl-N-phenylhydroxylamine
(3) Q. Zhang, H. Minami, S. Inou and I. Atsuya: Fresenius Journal Analytical Chemistry, Vol.370, 860-864, 2001, Preconcentration by coprecipitation of arsenic and tin in natural waters with Ni/pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate complex and their direct determination by ET-AAS with the solid sampling technique
(4) Q. Zhang, H. Minami, S. Inoue and I. Atsuya: Analytica Chimica Acta, Vol.407/1-2, 147-153, 2000, Determination of ultra-trace amounts of cobalt in seawater by GFAAS after pre-concentration with Ni/8-quinolinol/1-nitroso-2-naphtol complex
(5) B. Chen, Q. Zhang, H. Minami, S. Inoue and M. Uto: Journal of Chromatographic Science, Vol.37, 306-311, 1999, Simultaneous determination of trace amounts of vanadium and cobalt in steel and environmental materials with 2-(5-nitro-2-pyridylazo)-5[N-n-propyl-N-(3-sulfopropyl)amino]phenol by reversed-phase HPLC
(6) H. Minami, Q. Zhang, H. Itoh and I. Atsuya: Microchemical Journal, Vol.49, 126-135, 1994, Direct determination of chromium in biological materials by solid sampling atomic absorption spectrometry: Application of three-point estimation - standard addition method
(7) Q. Zhang, H. Minami and I. Atsuya: Bunseki Kagaku, Vol.43, 39-43, 1994, Direct determination of trace amounts of lead in biological samples by pre-ashing concentration / furnace |